Dani Bola i Ponosa, zbirka Goranke Matić
Beograd Ušće 10, Serbia
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- Srbčina
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Pôvod a kultúrne aktivity
Opis obsahu
The work comprises 38 photographs taken by the artist in 1980 and developed in 1992. The work was purchased by the Collection of New Art Media at the Museum of Contemporary Art with funds provided by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia in 2007.
- fotografie: 10-99
Geografický záber súčasných aktivít súvisiacich so zbierkou
- regionálne
Dátum založenia
- 1980
Miesto založenia
Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia
ukázať na mape
Tvorca obsahu
Dôležité udalosti v dejinách zbierky
Významné predmety zbierky
- neverejný
Dani bola i ponosa [Days of Pain and Pride], Vreme knjige, Belgrade, 1995.
Branislava Anđelković, Branislav Dimitrijević, Jelena Vesić, “Goranka Matić - Tiho teče Sutjeska” [Goranka Matić - And Quiet Flows the Sutjeska], Muzej savremene umetnosti, 2003 (katalog of exhibition at the Museum for Contemporary Art Belgrade)
- Ristivojevic, Senka
zoznam odkazov
Velimir Ćurgus Kazimir, “Deset godina protiv: građani Srbije u borbi za demokratiju i otvoreno društvo, 1991-2001” [Ten Years Against: Citizens of Serbia in Fight for Democracy and Open Society, 1991-2001], Medija centar Beograd, 2001
2020-03-04 17:29:46