Ján Šimulčík is founder of online collection of Slovak samizdat. Ján Šimulčík was active in religious activities before 1989 and after 1989 he researched and collected most of the Slovak catholic samizdat. He is also author of many books dealing with the topic of church in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (e.g. Zápas o svedomie [Fight for Conscience], Čas svitania [Time of Dawn], Zápas o nádej [Fight for Hope], Katolícka cirkev a nežná revolúcia 1989 [The Catholic Church and the Velvet Revolution 1989]) or about postcommunist history in general (e.g. Dokumenty doby [Documents of the time] 1990-2000). In 2016 he with Marek Endel launched online collection of Slovak samizdat. Register contains 16 samizdat which are accessible in PDF format. Founders are still looking for missing samizdat (not just Catholic) to publish them and to improve the website for researchers as well.