Irimie, Livia
Livia Irimie (born 11 December 1921, Mediaş, Romania – died 25 February 1999, Sibiu), the wife of the sociologist and ethnographer Cornel Irimie, was brought up in a Romanian-German cultural milieu in the Transylvanian towns of Mediaş and Sighişoara. From 1956 to 1967, she worked as secretary at the Romanian academy, Sibiu Branch. Due to the fact that her mother was a Transylvanian Saxon, she had a good command of German. Thus, in 1967, she moved to the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu where she worked in the library of the museum, which had in its keeping one of the largest collections of old books in German in Romania. She supported her husband, Cornel Irimie, in his research activity by typewriting his manuscripts and proofreading as a native speaker his studies written in German. She also took care of his intellectual legacy and later, in the period from 1991 to 1992, she put into practice his will that his collection should be transferred after his death to the ASTRA Museum in order to be available for further research. Because she was neither a public person nor a holder of a key positions in the cultural institutions where she worked, Livia Irimie did not attract the interest of the party structures or the Securitate.
Petrescu, Cristina
Pintilescu, Corneliu
zoznam odkazov
Maior, Carmina. 2003. “Fondul Arhivistic Dr. Cornel Irimie: O sursă pentru portretul unui intelectual” (The Dr Cornel Irimie Archive Fonds: A source for the portrait of an intellectual). In Cornel Irimie. O viaţă închinată satului românesc şi civilizaţiei sale (Cornel Irimie: A life dedicated to the Romanian village and its civilisation), edited by Cornel Bucur, 222–231. Sibiu: ASTRA Museum.
Irimie, Radu Nicolae , interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, June 16, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
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