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Mladen Stilinović. Eksploatacija mrtvih 2, 1984.-1990. Slika


Mladen Stilinović's work from the "Exploitation of the Dead" cycle, depicting a photograph of one of the typical Party gatherings. The photograph itself, outside the context of Stilinovic's work, would represent visual proof of the Party gathering. But, as a part of his work, it points to the weariness of such gatherings, and thus to the end of the socialist period.



  • Chorvátčina

Rok vzniku

  • 1984


  • inv. br. MSU 2802 -2818

Údaje k obrazovému materiálu

  • Lidija Bencetić


  • Bencetić, Lidija
2017-08-11 19:57:36