Part of the Jiří Ruml Collection contained in the National Archives is a leaflet defending the imprisoned poet, journalist and significant member of the Czechoslovak underground Ivan Martin Jirous (Magor) with the title Vězněn za své přesvědčení (Imprisoned for his belief). The leaflet contains basic biographical information about I. M. Jirous and information about his prior imprisonment. The leaflet is a reaction to Jirous being placed in the 3rd reformatory educational group in 1982; for his participation in the creation of the unofficial magazine VOKNO, and as an allegedly very dangerous criminal, he was sentenced to three and half years in prison, followed by two years’ probation . He served his sentence in the notorious Valdice prison near Jičín. There is a picture of Ivan Jirous on the leaflet.
Archivní 2257/4, 149 00 Praha 4 - Chodovec, Czech Republic
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inv. č. 10.87, karton č. 6
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National Archives of the Czech Republic (NA ČR), photo by Dorota Müller