Justas Paleckis Collection
01103 Vilnius Gedimino prospektas 12 , Lietuva
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- Litovčina
- Ruština
Názov zbierky
Justas Paleckis collection
Pôvod a kultúrne aktivity
Opis obsahu
- rukopisy (ego-dokumenty, denníky, poznámky, listy, skice atď.): 10-99
Držiteľ zbierky
Dátum založenia
- 1963
Miesto založenia
Vilnius, Lithuania
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Tvorca obsahu
Dôležité udalosti v dejinách zbierky
- Acquisition of Justas Paleckis' documents
- Structural change: Incorporation of the Collections of the Party History Institute's Archive to the Lithuania’s Society Organizations Archive
- Structural change: Incorporation of the Collections of Lithuanian Society Organization's Archive to the Lithuanian Communist Party Documents Archive
Významné predmety zbierky
- verejný
V spolupráci s
zoznam odkazov
Kašauskienė, Vanda. Istorijos spąstuose. Justo Paleckio gyvenimo ir veiklos bruožai 1899 – 1980 [In the Pitfall of History. The Life and Activity of Justas Paleckis 1988 – 1980]. Vilnius: Gairės, 2014
Maslauskienė, Nijolė , interview by Ivanauskas, Vilius, Sirutavičius, Vladas , Grybkauskas, Saulius, September 26, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2020-02-06 19:36:50