Csalog Zsolt gyűjteménye
The collection of Zsolt Csalog (1935-1997) covers his diverse activities as a sociologist (he published on sensitive social issues, such as poverty, discrimination, and forms of social deviance), writer (he focused on the underprivileged and marginalized social groups of the Kádár regime), and a former member of the Democratic Opposition
Budapest, Hungary
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Názov zbierky
- Zsolt Csalog collection
Pôvod a kultúrne aktivity
Opis obsahu
- Zsolt Csalog was an archaeologist, ethnographer, sociologist, illustrator and writer. The extensive collection embraces all the materials that he produced and collected over his life. The collection includes book manuscripts, research documentations relating to Roma issues, interviews, texts of the Democratic Opposition, and correspondence. The collection consists of 75 boxes.
- Unknown type: 10-99
- rukopisy (ego-dokumenty, denníky, poznámky, listy, skice atď.): 10-99
Dátum založenia
- 2001
Miesto založenia
Budapest, Hungary
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Tvorca obsahu
Dôležité udalosti v dejinách zbierky
Významné predmety zbierky
- verejný
- Kálmán, C. György. Mű- és valódi élvezetek. Pécs: Jelenkor, 2002.
- Bódi, Lóránt
zoznam odkazov
Soltész, Márton , interview by Bódi, Lóránt, July 11, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2018-01-05 13:19:49